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Island Profile

Bara (Bet Island) is used by Traditional Owners as a camping place and garden island, and holds culturally significant sites. We sustainably harvest, collect and use many of the resources on Bara and its surrounding reefs. These include gasi (arrowroot), ubar (wongai), kod (shell), turtles, kabar (trochus), kayar (crayfish) and other marine species that support our livelihoods. Our song and dance holds Traditional Knowledge for Bara and we continue to record this information for future generations.

Bara is a well-vegetated sandy coral cay covered that hold representations of coral cay grasslands, shrublands and wongai forests. The ubar (Manilkara kauki) stands on Bara are some of the best- developed examples of this ecosystem in the region. It is also a nesting site for silaw (little tern), sara (bridled tern and roseate tern), gainau (pied imperial pigeon), kuzi (sea eagle) and wunuwa (hawksbill turtle).

Island Location