Managing Our IPA
Warraberalgal Porumalgal IPA is managed by the elected board members of Warraberalgal Corporation (TSI) RNTBC and Porumalgal Corporation (TSI) RNTBC. Both Warraber and Poruma have a close relationship and is often referred to as wan pamle (one family). Respecting this relationship, we work with each other on matters relating to the management of our IPA.
Our elected RNTBC board members represent all Traditional Owners holding native title rights for the islands within our IPA. Their decisions are guided by our Ailan Kastom (Island Custom), and our community’s rights and interests for Country and culture, and act as the first point of contact for outside individuals and agencies who we collaborate with to manage shared interests across Country.
Guided by Elders, RNTBC board members and community, Indigenous land and sea Rangers employed by Torres Strait Regional Authority are responsible for the activities involved in managing these IPA islands. Rangers undertake conservation activities include protecting cultural sites, visitation management, managing invasive species, participating in vessel research activities, removing marine debris and knowledge sharing of cultural and natural values.
Our Indigenous Protected Area is managed in line with the following International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Categories:
Management Plan 2018-2028
Traditional Owners of the IPA have developed a Plan of Management to guide the management of the IPA. The plan sets out the cultural and natural values of Warraberalgal Porumalgal IPA, the threats and suggested management actions to address these threats to achieve overall maintenance.